P.S. 127 Aerospace Science

Site Director: Robert Savage


E-mail: Rsavage@hispanicfamilyservicesny.org

The 2015-2016 after school schedule is as follows:

Monday-Thursday: 2:15-5:30pm 

Friday 2:15-4:30pm

Click here for PS 127 Events Program 2015-2016
127 Arts and Literacy Events 2015-2016.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 308.5 KB

PS 127 Performs "In the Heights"!

Documentary Film Making at PS 127 Rotation 1

The ANCHOR Teambuilding Program at PS 127 Rotation 1

Arts and Literacy Students at PS 127 read to 1st graders as part of community service class

Team Building at 127

Playing Big Boss

Signing up for course offerings

Summer camp at PS 127 attended a NY Mets vs. San Diego Padres Game!

Chalk art during summer camp!

Museum field trip!

Creative writing excercise

Movie field trip