P.S. 92 Harry T. Stewart

Site Director: Kelly Sloan

Phone: 347-957-1342

E-mail: ksloan@hispanicfamilyservicesny.org

The 2015-2016 after school schedule is as follows:

Monday-Friday: 2:40-5:40

Click here for the P.S. 92 2015-2016 Event Calendar
PS 92 2015-2016 Event Calendar.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 153.6 KB

2nd grade Arts and Literacy students at PS 92 studied Medieval Bestiaries and created their own Illuminated Manuscripts of Bestiaries

The Yellow and Blue groups created a mixed media fall tree covered with leaves and animals.

PS 92 students and teachers would like to share this link with you... Students from Corona, Queens became movement pen pals with students in Ningbo, China,

The Green class at P.S. 92 explored color value, foreground, middle and background through painting and collage.

During the final rotation of the 2011-2012 school year, the Purple class at P.S. 92 created a trailer for a  horror movie.

In Spring 2012 the Blue Group at P.S. 92 studied anatomy and fitness and then developed their own fitness video.

Visual Arts~2011-2012

P.S. 92 5Pointz Dance 2013

The Green and Purple classes studied collaborative art movements such as Street Art and Mail Art.  Inspired by the artwork at 5Pointz that was sadly destroyed in 2013, the students created this video dance to honor the 5Pointz artists.